How to use composting to have a successful garden? Composting is absolutely essential if we are to achieve an abundant harvest.
For any successful garden, composting is an essential element for the soil improvement.
Especially when the dirt is lacking nutrients, and the soil in your garden is poor. Any kind of dirt can be improved. Be it loamy, sandy, or clay. This is done by adding amendments, mainly composted organic matter. The darker the dirt in your garden, the better success for an abundant and healthy crop. When the garden soil is fertile, the plants are growing more robust and it is easier for them to fight and builds resistance to different diseases.
Every serious gardener should consider composting, to amend and help the garden plot become nutrient again for the next season harvest. Once the nutrients are depleted, which it happens naturally, they must be replaced perpetually. Every year if possible.
If you don't have the time or the means to make a fast or active compost, you can easily go for a passive composting. While this might be a slower process, nevertheless it will do the job. It can absolutely be implemented with less care and no cost.
Even in a kind of neglected pile of compost with organic waste, the organic material will decompose even if it does it slowly. But it can be done without any significant effort.
The compost pile can consist of leaves, and lots of them. About two thirds leaves and one third nitrogen material will assure a good and consistent organic matter. The leaves will provide the carbon necessary for decomposing. The nitrogen can be obtained by adding cow manure, chicken manure, fresh grass clippings, and blood mill.
When you have a garden, it just doesn't make sense to burn the leaves! It would be a waste of a very important source of organic matter that can make a world of difference in the improving of your garden soil.
Just rake the falling leaves and put them in a pile out of the way, in a corner and just turn them and sprinkle with water when it is not raining. The leaves are a very good and important source of carbon. The microbes, those hard working little creature, will do the job. They live on the decaying material and that's why it is important to turn the compost pile to allow the oxygen and the newly added leaves in contact with the invisible microbes that are working day and night. And they are working for free. You don't even have to pay them! He, he, he!
So all these elements must be considered when composting for a better gardening: the composition of the material by combining the right proportion as described above. Moisture (by sprinkling water), aeration by turning it now and then with a pitch fork. Mother nature will take care of the rest. Some material will decompose faster, others slower. But they will decay.
Once the proper conditions have been created, the micro organisms will get in action, as well as the earth worms. They will multiply and as you apply the compost in the garden, the worms will aerate the soil to allow the oxygen where it is needed the most.
Once the compost is decayed enough, spread it on the top of the dirt in your garden plot and till it in the ground to blend in. This way it will decay even more, and make the soil rich and nutrient with all that good organic material. Gradually will build up the humus, that nice rich, dark looking color of the soil.
This is the cheapest and more economical way of composting. It would cost you hardly anything. By burning the leaves, you are burning your hard earned money. So why not put them to a useful purpose and save a bundle. Not withstanding the benefits of a successful gardening. To produce the nice, fresh, full of vitamins and minerals fruits and vegetables, with vivid full of life colors for your healthy living.
Gardening is wonderful. If you are not gardening yet, you are missing out on a lot of amazing things, and on the satisfaction of having your own quiet little place of retreat, from this noisy and crazy world. You will soon discover the enjoyment of gardening, and how beneficial it is for you.
Let's get our hands dirty. It is good for you.
Mike Borlovan